Tài Liệu: Thác Bản Giốc

Công Ty Du Lịch Trung Quốc Quảng Cáo Viếng Thăm

Thác Bản Giốc Nằm Trong Biên Giới Trung Công.



Phần thác nằm bên Việt Nam


Phần thác nằm bên Trung Cộng



Phần thác Bản Giốc Nằm bên phía Việt Nam


Phần thác Bản Giốc nằm bên phía Trung Cộng



Bản đồ Thác Bản Giốc hướng dẫn du lịch của công ty du lịch Trung Quốc


Tài liệu năm 1887 do nhà nghiên cứu Trương Nhân Tuấn t́m thấy

trong văn khố của Pháp ghi rất rơ thác Bản Giốc nằm

2km sâu bên trong nội địa Việt Nam


Nay công ty du lịch Trung Quốc quảng cáo đi du lịch phân nữa bên thác Bản Giốc nằm bên biên giới Trung Cộng, vậy các tay lănh đạo cộng sản giải thích như thế nào về hành động bán đất dâng biển cho Tàu cộng đây?


Trang web của công ty du lịch Trung Quốc giới thiệu về thác Bản Giốc:


Daxin County is under the jurisdiction of Nanning City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and shares over 40 kilometers of its southern border with Vietnam. Formerly an undeveloped area, it is famous for its Detian Scenic Zone, which boasts a variety of fantastic landscapes.

Along with the enhancement of friendly ties between China and Vietnam, the Detian Scenic Zone was established several years ago, and was so named for its spectacular Detian Waterfall.

The Detian Waterfall is over 200 meters wide and has a drop of more than 70 meters. Its water rushes down a three-tiered cliff with tremendous force. It is the largest waterfall in Asia, and the second largest transnational waterfall in the world, connecting with a waterfall in Vietnam. The fall is awe-inspiring, and its thunder is audible before it even comes into view.

The changing seasons transform the natural scenery of the waterfall throughout the year. In spring, the flame-red blossoms of the kapok trees that surround the fall are in full bloom, symbolizing success. Throughout the autumn months, though, the area around the waterfall turns golden-yellow, creating a harvest scene. In the summer, visitors feel a complete freedom of mind and ease of spirit as they see the waters of the fall cascade with the momentum force of an avalanche. During winter, on the other hand, the fall's clear water drops slowly, making visitors feel even-tempered and good-humored. The Detian Waterfall appears to be a sculpture made by nature.

Fifty-three kilometers away from the county seat of Daxin is the Mingshi Tourist Attraction, a state-level scenic spot known as the Lesser Guilin. The Mingshi River winds its way through green hills and flat land, and its banks are dotted with groves of bamboo. The tranquil waters of the river, along with the green hills, terraced fields, and farmers' houses around the Mingshi Bridge, form a beautiful countryside scene.

The Heishui (Black Water) River Tourist Attraction is another state-level scenic spot that is 33 kilometers away from the county seat of Daxin. It is located in a 45.5-kilometer section of the river between Shatundie Waterfall in Shuolong Township and the Leipingnaan Hydropower Station. By the river, there are a number of trees and odd-shaped pinnacles, whose inverted reflection in the river's blue water is the color black, hence the name of the river. With pinnacles, groves of bamboo and longan trees, and farmers' houses, this section of the river looks like an elegant Chinese ink and wash painting throughout the seasons.

Shatundie Waterfall, also known as Niandi Waterfall, is 55 kilometers away from the county seat of Daxin. The fall has seven tiers; and if you view it from afar, it looks like a flight of steps made of water. Compared with the Detian Waterfall, it is moderate and calm.

Visitors from other parts of the country can travel by air, train, or long-distance bus to Nanning, the capital city of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. From Nanning, they can take scheduled buses, dispatched every 20 minutes, to the county seat of Daxin. There are tourist buses to every scenic spot in the county.


2005年07月20日 08:42  


详细行程: 超级美丽的瀑布;超级漂亮的景色;超级值得一去的地方。(点小图看大图)

































































